Sunday Morning Milkshake

A sweet and refreshing milkshake that barely requires any effort to make. You're

not required to make it and drink it on Sunday, it was just almost a tradition

in my family to make it on the weekends, and it somehow does taste better on a

Saturday or Sunday morning.


These are for about 4 glasses or 1 liter:


1. Chop the banana so that it fits better in the blender.

2. Add the banana pieces, berries, vanilla and sugar to taste to the blender.

Usually I use about 6 tea spoons of sugar.

3. Pour enough milk so that the mix fills a liter of the blender volume.

4. Blend it until the mix looks somewhat homogeneous.

5. Pour it and enjoy!

Basically anything is better consumed fresh, but it is especially the case for

this milkshake recipe. If you leave it sitting for more than 10-15 minutes it

won't be so delicious anymore.

Originally published at [](

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